The Fund Account now displays cost price and position PnL statistics, which are calculated as follows:
1. Position PnL
Total Position PnL Amount: (Last Price - Average Cost Price) * Available Balance
Total Unrealized PnL Ratio: (Last Price - Average Cost Price) ÷ Average Cost Price
2. Crypto Cost Price
Crypto Cost Price = Total Cost Value ÷ Available Balance
Total Cost Value = Net Deposit Value + Net Transfer-in Value + Net Buying Value
Net Deposit Value: The sum of all deposit values - the sum of all withdrawal values
Net Transfer-in Value: The sum of all transfer-in values - the sum of all transfer-out values
Net Buying Value: The sum of all buy order values in Spot - the sum of all sell order values in Spot
The following actions will affect the crypto cost price:
- Depositing the crypto. The market price and the deposit amount at the time of deposit arrival will be factored into the calculation of the total cost value of the crypto, thereby updating the current cost price.
- Buying the crypto in Spot Trading with the order partially or fully filled. The trading price and amount of the order will be factored into the calculation of the total cost value of the crypto, thereby updating the current cost price.
The following actions will NOT affect the crypto cost price:
- Withdrawing the crypto.
- Transferring the crypto from another account.
- Canceling an unfilled Spot order.
- Selling the crypto in Spot Trading with the order partially or fully filled.
Please Note:
The history cost price only counts the average filled price of Spot trades. If you haven't traded Spot, the cost price will be calculated based on the opening price of the market on 2022-10-11 (UTC+8).
The cost price can be edited if the current value differs from your actual cost.
Special Note: Due to the complexity of relevant data, there may be calculation errors and delays. The data is for reference only. Thank you for your understanding.