When there are crypto dust (assets with a total estimated value less than 6 USDT), you can follow the steps below to convert them into USDT on the BingX website or app.
Web Portal
Step 1: Log in to your account on the BingX website, visit "Fund Account" and click "Convert Crypto Dust Into USDT".
Step 2: Select the crypto dust you wish to convert, then click "Convert". Confirm the converted amount displayed in the pop-up window, and click "Confirm" to complete the conversion.
App Portal
Step 1: Log in to your account on the BingX app. Tap "Assets" - "Fund" - "Convert crypto dust into USDT".
Step 2: Select the crypto dust you wish to convert, then click "Convert". Confirm the converted amount shown in the pop-up window, and click "OK" to complete the conversion.
You can exchange multiple crypto dusts simultaneously; however, please ensure that the value of each crypto is below 6 USDT to qualify.
You can convert crypto dust once every 24 hours.
Currently suspended or delisted assets cannot be converted.
Considering potential price fluctuations that may affect the USDT valuation, the displayed conversion value is an estimate. The final USDT quantity obtained will be calculated based on the real-time market price at the time of conversion.
Conversions are allowed when the crypto price fluctuation remains within a 5% range.
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